João Garcia Rodrigues

Soy un científico social ambiental en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela donde exploro las interacciones entre las personas y la naturaleza. Mi investigación se centra en las relaciones entre el bienestar humano y el medio marino, los servicios ecosistémicos culturales y la gobernanza de la pesca en pequeña escala. Soy miembro activo de varios grupos internacionales sobre servicios ecosistémicos marinos, como la Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), el Consejo Internacional para la Exploración del Mar (CIEM) y OceanGov.

I am an environmental social scientist at the University of Santiago de Compostela where I explore the interactions between people and nature. My research focuses on the relationships between human well-being and the marine environment, cultural ecosystem services and small-scale fisheries governance. I am an active member of several international working groups on marine ecosystem services such as the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), and OceanGov.


Outeiro L , Garcia Rodrigues J, Damásio LMA, Lopes PFM (2019). Is it just about the money? A spatial-economic approach to assess ecosystem service tradeoffs in a marine protected area in Brazil. Ecosystem Services, 38, 100959.

Garcia Rodrigues J, Villasante S, Drakou EG, Kermagoret C, Beaumont N (2017). Operationalising marine and coastal ecosystem services. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 13(3): i-iv.

Drakou EG, Liquete C, Kermagoret C, Ruiz-Frau A, Boyanova K, Lillebø AI, van Oudenhoven APE, Ballé-Béganton J, Garcia Rodrigues J, Nieminen E, Oinonen S, Ziemba A, Gissi E, Depellegrin D, Veidemane K, Ruskule A, Delangue J, Böhnke-Henrichs A, Boon A, Wenning R, Martino S, Hasler B, Termansen M, Rockel M, Hummel H, el Serafy G, Peev P (2017). Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science-policy-practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 13(3): 51-67.

Garcia Rodrigues J, Conides A, Rivero Rodriguez S, Raicevich S, Pita P, Kleisner KM, Pita C, Lopes P, Alonso Roldán V, Ramos S, Klaoudatos D, Outeiro L, Armstrong C, Teneva L, Stefanski S, Böhnke-Henrichs A, Kruse M, Lillebø A, Bennett EM, Belgrano A, Murillas A, Sousa Pinto I, Burkhard B, Villasante S (2017). Marine and Coastal Cultural Ecosystem Services: knowledge gaps and research priorities. One Ecosystem 2: e12290.

Garcia Rodrigues J, Villasante S (2016). Disentangling seafood value chains: tourism and the local market driving small-scale fisheries in São Vicente, Cape Verde (West Africa). Marine Policy 74: 33–42.

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