Global use of ecosystem service models
Posner, S.; Verutes, G.; Koh, I.; Denu, D.; Ricketts, T. (2016). Global use of ecosystem service models. Ecosystem Services, 17, 131-141.
Publicaciones: 2016
Posner, S.; Verutes, G.; Koh, I.; Denu, D.; Ricketts, T. (2016). Global use of ecosystem service models. Ecosystem Services, 17, 131-141.
Guannel, G.; Arkema, K.; Ruggiero, P.; Verutes, G. (2016). The power of three: coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves protect coastal regions and increase their resilience. PloS One, 11, 7, e0158094.
Reddy, S.M.; Guannel, G.; Griffin, R.; Faries, J.; Boucher, T.; Thompson, M.; Brenner, J.; Bernhardt, J.; Verutes, G.; et al. (2016). Evaluating the role of coastal habitats and sea-level rise in hurricane risk mitigation: An ecological economic assessment method and application to a business decision. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 12, 2, 328-344.
Ruckelshaus, M. H.; Guannel, G.; Arkema, K.; Verutes, G.; Griffin, R.; Guerry, A.; et al. (2016). Evaluating the benefits of green infrastructure for coastal areas: Location, location, location. Coastal Management, 44, 5, 504-516.
Garcia Rodrigues, J.; Villasante, S. (2016). Disentangling seafood value chains: tourism and the local market driving small-scale fisheries in São Vicente, Cape Verde (West Africa). Marine Policy 74, 33–42.
Reboredo, J.C.; Rivera-Castro, M.A.; Ugolini, A. (2016). Downside and Upside Risk Spillovers between Exchange Rates and Stock Prices. Journal of Banking and Finance, 62, 76-96.
Ainsworth, G.B.; Aslin, H.J.; Weston, M.A.; Garnett, S.T. (2016). Do social values influence levels of conservation effort in threatened species? The case of two Australian chats. Oryx, 50, 4, 636-645.
Ainsworth, G.B.; Aslin, H.J.; Weston, M.A.; Garnett, S.T. (2016). Social values and species conservation: the case of Baudin and Carnaby black-cockatoos. Environmental Conservation, 43, 294-305.
Carpenter, G.; Villasante S.; O’Leary B. (2016) Europe: Keep allowable fish catches sustainable. Nature (2016) 531, 7595, 448.
Antelo,M.; Magdalena, P.; Reboredo, J.C. (2015). On cocaine consumption: some lessons from Spain, Cuadernos de Economía / Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance, 38, 96-106.