Health, poverty, and place in Accra, Ghana: mapping neighborhoods
Verutes, G.M.; Fiocco, M.B., Weeks, J.R.; Coulter, L.L. (2012). Health, poverty, and place in Accra, Ghana: mapping neighborhoods. Journal of Maps, 8, 4, 369-373.
Publicaciones: 2012
Verutes, G.M.; Fiocco, M.B., Weeks, J.R.; Coulter, L.L. (2012). Health, poverty, and place in Accra, Ghana: mapping neighborhoods. Journal of Maps, 8, 4, 369-373.
Guerry, A.D.; Ruckelshaus, M.H.; Arkema, K.K.; Bernhardt, J.R.; Guannel, G.; Kim, C.K.; Marsik, M.; Papenfus, M.; Toft, J.E.; Verutes, G.; Wood, S. A. (2012). Modeling benefits from nature: using ecosystem services to inform coastal and marine spatial planning. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management, 8, 1-2, 107-121.
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Tallis, H.T.; Ricketts, T.; Guerry, A.D.; Nelson, E.; Ennaanay, D.; Wolny, S.; Olwero, N.; Vigerstol, K.; Pennington, D.; Mendoza, G.; Aukema, J.; Foster, J.; Forrest, J.; Cameron, D.; Lonsdorf, E.; Kennedy, C.; Verutes, G.M.; et al. (2011).; InVEST 2.1 beta user’s guide. The Natural Capital Project, 1-275.
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Antelo, M.; Loureiro, M. (2009). Soft fiscal policies for a polluting monopolist, The Energy Journal30, Special Issue n2, 169-192.
Antelo, M.; Bru, L. (2009) Permit markets, market power, and the trade-off between efficiency and revenue raising, Resource and Energy Economics,31, 320-333.